Multi Marine Complex

One of the negative factors affecting the operation of the coastal zone, as well as various types of coastal structures and engineering equipment, is abrasive, which is the process of breaking waves and surf off the coast of various reservoirs.

The catastrophic consequences of this phenomenon can be observed on the coasts of oceans, seas and large lakes, where the energy of wave action can reach huge sizes.

The challenge of protecting coastal infrastructure is essential. Most of the settlements located on the banks of water bodies, needs to create a sheltered bay for the organization katernyh and marinas, port and berthing facilities. Construction of bank protection structures, levees, breakwaters, piers wave is costly and technically difficult undertaking.

Scientific-Production Enterprise HESC Group, together with the architectural studio AV Melnichenko, the technology of erection of protective hydraulic structures using reference cell bills. This flowsheet enables cost-effectively and reliably carry out the construction of dams, the main piers, moorings, support load-bearing structures to accommodate various structures on the water. Protective structures is expected to combine with the complex combines energy conversion, the main energy module which is a wave power station (Wave power), which, in essence, is the destructive power converter excitement into electricity.

As a result of the complex interaction of the waves with the topography, coastline and various objects seen their refraction, diffraction and structural changes. Emerging with resonance effects result in increased stress in the construction of hydraulic engineering protection structures. The working body wave power converting wave energy, minimizes the negative effects arising from the interaction of the structural elements of protective structures with the waves.

Structural features of the station to allow it to operate at the same high efficiency of various parameters waves. This is achieved by an automated control system, which calculates the power of wave action, regulates the mechanical parameters of the working body and distributes electrical load.

The main task of a complex combination of energy conversion is a guaranteed energy supply of the consumer on the basis of the combined conversion of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, energy, sea state) in a single system with conventional generating station. The complex includes a projected plant for seawater desalination and the system allows you to collect and dispose of sewage. Thus, the use of the complex was built on the bank protection structures forming artificial bay, you can create on the coast of the special recreational and eco-friendly facilities.

Creating a coastal marine multifunction systems that combine the functions of protective structures with a support structure to accommodate the energy and plants is a cost effective measure. As a protective structure, they reduce the negative impact of sea waves, the energy supply of the consumer, as well as allow the investment attractiveness of the use of coastal areas.

An example of high commercial component could serve as the concept of the multifunctional complex of the Sea, where the combined power conversion functions with complex shielding structures of the coastline is a key segment. The concept developed HESC Group together with "Architectural Melnichenko" Grandterer-Atrium ", St. Petersburg.

The main components of multifunction marine complex are:

  • Protective belt, which performs several functions, namely, stabilizing the breakwater that protects the bay from storms, the supporting structure for the energy complex, as well as a base for arranging private slipways, which constitute a significant commercial, ie profitable part of the project;
  • The complex combination of energy conversion consists of a wave power station (Wave power), wind power plants (WPP), the solar power plant (SPP), a technical module disposed therein seawater desalination plant, as well as waste water disposal system.
  • Central main pier, the promenade connecting the protective zone, yacht club and parking of boats, piers AquaVilla into a single complex;
  • Adjacent to the central guiding pier katernaya parking berths and small boats. Capacity of parking places could reach 1000-1500 places;
  • Quay walls and mooring for cruise vessels and floating hotels;
  • The complex is private slipways with garages and parking of boats, piers and private bathing area located on the protection zone. Elling are elite holiday complex, located in the bottom of the bay and are designed for high-income customers.
  • Floating piers-bath 5-20 campers equipped gangway, complete with deck chairs, etc. Possibility to build 200 to 300 piers, which will simultaneously provide a comfortable, organized beach places 2000-3000 vacationers at the same time.
  • The ensemble of elite buildings on water, which consists of three blocks with trips to the embankment, internal courtyard spaces, their own embankments, bathing facilities and parking of boats and personal watercraft. The complex of buildings stands at 150 meters deep bay formed by bending the coast and waterworks, the length of it along the waterfront is 240 meters. The complex has a three-story component with functional attic. The interiors are designed for apartments. Opposite the promenade and on the opposite side, are located hotel complexes, placement under bars and restaurants with external areas and berths on the water.
  • Artificial islands. Each island is composed of the cellular boom support base area of 0.6-0.7 ha with internal canyons, forming its own bay, with moorings and boat parking. Each island is individually designed living area with an adjoining park, 2-3 landscaped beaches, as well as an artificial hill with the green areas, which protects the residential complex and its own bay of the sea breeze. Residential complexes are individually designed and can be carried as a personal villa or as a hotel complex. The islands have a communication connection via the safety belt with a common network.
  • In the bay, formed the central trunk pier and one of the segments of the protective structures along the entrance channel is located the yacht club with moorings infrastructure, piers, and other components. The presence of the fairway and the removal from the coastline will allow and take place in a given place considerable class sailboats.
  • Mooring segments to accommodate AquaVilla with their connection points to power and network security system.
  • Akvakempingi, consisting of a base of the island, which is based on administrative, accommodation facilities, sports facilities and private floating platform with living rooms and private bathing pools.
  • Altitude dominant. It includes a hotel complex, situated in two hemispheres at high-altitude residential component.
  • Directly residential building consisting of two blocks of apartments, which are connected by passages and apartment balconies across the technology supporting tower atriumami.V atria, which will open with a beautiful view, will be located swimming pools and conservatories.
  • Power center. The building, located on the platform of the support cell booms at the entrance to the bay, to the fairway. The building is in the style of a medieval fort to protect the marine harbor and functionally designed to accommodate conventional generating stations, as well as energy management systems and network components.

The main technological challenge in building rich marine complex is to create conditions under which the energy balance of the generating stations, included in its composition, allowing autonomous and economically meet the needs of all of the functional components in power. The complex will provide accommodation and social facilities, entering into it, hot and cold water supply, as well as to collect and dispose of sewage, regardless of networks and communications, located on the shore.


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