Description of Technology "Protection and Energy"

Sea waves have significant energy. They are able to destroy the sea shore and the engineering structures built along the coasts. Inflict damage to other economic activities of the people. For this reason, people living in areas of coastal waters build various defensive structures - dams, sea walls, dams, etc.
The energy of sea waves is constantly replenished by the sun's energy, so technically it is an inexhaustible source. For this reason, many countries are actively being made to create designs that could convert the energy into useful work disturbances, in particular, into electricity.
Practical use of the energy of sea waves, as well as the construction of protective coastal structures from the damaging effects of waves, require large capital investments. However, the economic efficiency of use of energy of sea waves and the creation of protective coastal structures can be significantly improved if the decision to combine the two problems.
"Protection + Energy" - This approach is used in the technology developed by Hydro Enerdy Special Construction. One solution to two problems - the protection of the coast and the conversion of wave energy into useful work, is achieved through the creation of marine protection wave energy complex, which is a set of engineering structures, located in the coastal area.
On the Black Sea coast a valid prototype wave power converter "WAVE HUNTER", installed power 10 kW on a scale of 1: 2.5. The scale is chosen to simulate the impact on the structure of the maximum storm.
Protective hydropower complex, includes: 1) Hydropower system (a dam generating energy based on WAVE HUNTER® wave energy converters and an integrated solar system) 2) The system of drastically reducing the wave impact of the "Curtain".